Spatial Crop


Enables spatial cropping of the entire dataset.


1.       Open a hyperspectral imaging file through the Main Interface.

2.       Click EditCrop and select one of the cropping options or select of the icons:

3.       Click Spatial crop (also can be triggered by using an icon).

4.       Alternatively, click Interactive crop in the DATA REDUCTION panel.

5.       Move the boundaries of the active frame.

Note: Spatial crop activates an interactive rectangular (active frame) that enables the user to select the region of interest and crop the rest of the image. Move the boundaries of the active frame with the mouse. The coordinates of the frame in a format [left bottom width height] can be seen below the image. The meaning of the coordinates is shown below. The units are pixels. When the active frame size is adjusted, IDCube automatically updates the coordinates to the new values.

6.       Click Apply Crop. The change will be applied globally and a new datacube will be stored in the internal memory. A new pop-up window with the information about the new dataset will appear in the left corner showing the dimension of the new frame, type of data, color, and maximum and minimum. In the case of the RGB, the maximum and minimum will not be shown.

7.       Click Reset to return to the original view. Note: this will rest the entire image back to the original including any filters or histogram adjustments.

8.       The new dataset can be saved using a standard Save function.


Rotate and Flip


Spectral Crop