Mean Spatial Filter


Removes spatial noise in the entire datacube by averaging nearby pixels. This filtering is global and will be retained for all other functions and treatments.


1.      Select Filtering and Enhancement → Mean Spatial Filter.  

2.     Select the filter cutoff (N) as an odd number from the pop-up dialogue window. The default value is N=3. The filter applies an N-by-N median spatial filter in two spatial dimensions. Each output pixel in the output image contains the median value in the N-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the original dataset. The original image is padded by mirroring border elements. Press Apply.

3.     After completion click Apply and visualize the filtered image.

The filtered image can be returned to the original by using Filtering and Enhancement → Remove all Filters and Enhancements or Reset button.


Standard Normal Variate


Mean Spectral Filter