Edit Plot Mode


  • Allows the user to activate the interactive mode and rearrange the home page for a more personalized visualization experience.

  • Allows the user to modify and delete annotations (see Toolbar → Edit Mode).

Steps to modify the layout:

1.       Open a hyperspectral imaging file through the main interface FileOpen dataset in IDCube format.

2.       Click on Edit → Edit Plot or select the icon.

3.       Click on any of the static frames to visualize the boundaries of the frame and move, expand or delete. You can cancel the change by pressing Ctrl+Z.

Note: some of the panels are fixed. That includes HISTOGRAM panel, DATACUBE MATHEMATICS panel, and DATA REDUCTION panel. Buttons can be moved within the parent frame. 

Click on the Edit Plot icon to return to the functional view.

The changes in the layout cannot be returned back by Reset button. Instead, you can go all the way back to the original layout by activating the Edit Plot again and repositioning the frames, or by pressing Ctrl+Z several times until you get to the original layout.




Changing the Colortheme of the Interface