Download Example Files

IDCubePro® enables the user to download files directly from the IDCube files depositary stored in a cloud location. The file will be downloaded as a ready-to-use file in an IDCubePro® format (.mat or .m extension). Additional datasets can be also opened from our website

You can see in the left corner that the file will start downloading after you select the example dataset.

If the file is too large it might be downloaded as a zip file.

The files can also be downloaded from the file menu. Go to File → Download example files in IDCube format.

Selects an example file to download.  Currently available options are:

  • Rose Leaves (hyperspectral)

  • Plastic and Coin (hyperspectral)

  • AVIRIS data (hyperspectral)

  • St. Louis area (multispectral)

  • Farmland and rivers (multispectral)

  • FLIM (fluorescence lifetime imaging) data

  • Hand image in SWIR (hyperspectral)

The list of files might be updated. You will be redirected to a web browser. IDCube file format will download automatically.


For more information on the example files like size and instrument, visit our website at


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