Create Mask(s)


  • Enables user to select masks with multiple labels.

  • The masked image can be saved to use for machine and deep learning applications implemented in IDCubePro®.


1.      Open the file in IDCube format.

2.      Select Machine Learning → Create Mask.

3.      From the new pop-up window Masking Tool, push the Activate button, enter the number of masks (default is 3) and press Apply.

4.      Choose a drawing tool from the toolbar and select the area on the left image. You can zoom in if desired. The selected areas will be automatically converted into pixels with values equal to ONEs with the rest of the image (background) to ZEROs. The colors for the masked objects are random and selected by IDCubePro®.

5.      Press Save mask(s) button. The user will be asked to provide the name of the file. Two files will be generated: png (color image) and m (in the format m x n x 3). These files can be used for machine and deep learning applications in IDCubePro®.

6.      Press Clear mask(s) button to start a new task.


Note: Future versions of the software will enable the user to adjust the selected area.


Create Label(s)


Binary Tool